Monday, February 9, 2009

Meet a Community Organization: Labor/Community Strategy Center

Quilen's Disclaimer: I do not hold, share, or promote any of the views of the Labor/Community Strategy Center. I am simply introducing you to the community organizations that exist in America.

In today's Meet a Community Organization segment we will look at the Labor/Community Strategy Center. Their home page is

Based in Los Angeles, the Labor/Community Strategy Center is a multiracial think tank/act tank dedicated to bringing international socialist movements to challenge the domination of transnational capital. They promote class based labor organizing, environmental protection, immigrant rights, first class transportation, as well as combating poverty. They also produce multilingual publications about organizing and issues.

Some of the current projects they have include the bus riders union, Ahoranow, clean air, and their radio program Voices from the Frontlines. You can contact Labor/Community Strategy Center at

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